Do Good and Great Books Even Exist?
I received a new post outline from my co-author. Before the title even had time to register, I was reading an apology from her, explaining why she wasn’t absolutely crazy in sending me this post. After all, we’re a publishing company. We specialize in good and great books. And you’re asking me if they even exist!?
Wouldn’t that be a bit like McDonald’s running a commercial asking if a good hamburger exists?
Well, maybe. But you see, the commercial wouldn’t end there. And neither does this post. The point of asking a question like that, is so that we can answer it. Because—it may be a question that you have asked yourself, over and over again. And if we can tell you that they do exist—and that they’re worth looking for—that would make you feel a lot more motivated, wouldn’t it?
Well . . . let me tell you just that!
Good and Great Books: Do They Even Exist?
There have been moments in our quest at SAW Publishing for good and great literature, when we have been tempted to despair of ever answering “yes” to this question.
There are many books that are great, and a fair number that are good—but there are times when it seems like the two qualifications are never combined in the same book!
Despite these discouraging moments, we really have found that good and great books can be discovered if you are willing to invest time and energy in the search.
Good and Great Books: Are They Worth the Effort?
While it is certainly true that good and great books are out there, it is also true that they very seldom fall into our laps unasked.
Some years ago, a major food corporation launched an advertising campaign with the slogan: “Worth Changing Supermarkets For!”
This slogan—which is still in use today—captures the heart of most product-choice questions. Do we want the item enough to change something to get it? Sometimes that “something” is a store or provider. Sometimes it is the subtler platform of our own expectations or worldview.
In the issue of finding suitable literature, if good and great books exist but require some trouble to find, the question becomes, are good and great books worth the effort?
As we have highlighted in previous articles, Sheep Among Wolves firmly believes that both good books and great books are valuable enough to be worth the effort.
Good and Great Books: Where Do You Find Them?
Over the years, we have looked at many different sources of good and great books. Some of the most helpful in our search have been:
- Digital Archives
- Christian Publishers
- Homeschooling Curriculum Companies
- Book Review Sites
- The Inter-Library Loan System
For a brief overview of these resources, see our previous post, “Five Sources of Quality Christian Books.”
Obviously not every book—nor anywhere close to every book—available through these sources, will be both good and great. As always, wisdom and discernment must be exercised in choosing out books that fulfill the important criteria. But we do consider these resources to be valuable avenues for FINDING books that are good and great.
Creating A Forum for Good and Great Books
So . . . I guess my co-author wasn’t crazy, after all. Good and great books do exist, no matter how hard they are to find.
Next time you find yourself wearying in your search for literature that is both beneficial to the soul and stimulating to the mind, remember that your search is not hopeless!
Keep looking for good and great books, and as you find them, scattered here and there like wildflowers in the great fields of literature, be sure to pluck them, and enjoy them, and share them. Good and great books are worth the effort. Let’s not ever think otherwise!
Wondering how to discern if a book is good and great? Take a look at our book review format!

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