Sheep Among Wolves Publishing

Sheep Among Wolves Publishing: Who We Are and Why We’re Here

At SAW Publishing we are passionate about promoting good and great books. But just what do we mean by that term? Exactly why does SAW Publishing exist?Sheep Among Wolves Publishing will celebrate an anniversary this week.

Most North Americans are familiar with the concept of a golden anniversary, (marking fifty years). A somewhat less publicized event is the so-called wooden anniversary, a milestone nevertheless recognized with a place in Emily Post’s authoritative work on Etiquette, and signifying exactly one-tenth of the journey to a golden anniversary.

This coming Thursday, the entire United States of America will roast turkey, mash potatoes, and bake pumpkin pies in recognition of the five-year anniversary of Sheep Among Wolves Publishing.

Okay, it does also happen to be Thanksgiving Day.

But it remains a fact that the 28th of November, 2019 marks five years since Sheep Among Wolves Publishing launched and our company had its birth.

Sheep Among Wolves Publishing: Who We Are and Why We’re Here

The past five years have certainly contained plenty of twists and turns. I sometimes tell people that if I had foreseen exactly how much of an adventure publishing was going to prove, I’m not sure if I would have had the courage to start—and yet I don’t regret the decision.

While these five years have not always followed the path we expected them to take, the foundation and values of our company have never changed.

Sheep Among Wolves Publishing exists to produce and promote good and great literature.

Good and great books has become our slogan—capturing the two sides of outstanding, Christ-centred literature which form the pillars of the Sheep Among Wolves identity.

At SAW Publishing we are passionate about promoting good and great books. But just what do we mean by that term? Exactly why does SAW Publishing exist?Promoting Good Books

We believe that the spiritual impact of reading material is of paramount importance. The books we read should encourage both innocence and growth.

SAW Publishing defines good literature as books which are wise unto that which is good, as well as simple concerning evil. (Romans 16:19)

We aim at promoting literature which will aid readers in their Christian life by keeping them pure from the knowledge of evil, while stimulating and expanding their knowledge of good.

Promoting Great Books

Sheep Among Wolves also recognizes the power of skillful literature. We value the impact which a truly well-written book secures.

We define great writing as books which uphold a consistent standard of literary excellence.

It is a sad reflection that while it is possible to find books that are good, and also to find books that are great, it is very seldom that we see the two combined in a single volume. Good and great books are rare. They can be found, but the supply falls far short of the demand.

SAW Publishing Exists for Good and Great Books

So that is the mission which Sheep Among Wolves embraces at our wooden anniversary. It is the mission which we hope still to embrace, if God grants us a golden anniversary forty-five years down the road.

And it is a mission which we challenge you to embrace today.

Good and great books matter. Let’s live as if they did.

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