Snow-Globe World: FREE week-long sale
Have you ever stood on the outside of a snow-globe world?
Do you know what it’s like to gaze longingly into a beautiful life you will never be able to live? Into a perfect Christmas you will never be able to share?
If you have ever struggled with the tragedy of brokenness in the midst of a Christmas world, then today’s FREE download is for you!
Snow-Globe World: FREE week-long sale
Sheep Among Wolves Publishing is very excited to be able to offer Chelsea Burden’s new Christmas story, Snow-Globe World, to you this December.
We were hoping to be able to offer this beautiful story absolutely FREE for the rest of the month. However, some technical complications with Amazon have meant that we had to shorten this to a five-day sale beginning today and running through Friday.
So please be aware that this is a limited-time offer! Snow-Globe World will be going up to full price as of Saturday, but for this week it is on sale—for FREE!
Snow-Globe World by Chelsea Burden
“It’s Christmas,” Mia told herself for the fiftieth time. “Christmas.”
From the outside, the snow-globe world is a picture postcard of Christmas joy and peace. A world of snowflakes and church-bells, of happy people and cozy churches nestled into their wintry world like merry children cuddled to sleep in their downy beds at night.
But are there aching hearts concealed beneath the dancing flakes or drowned by the chiming bells? Are there hidden sorrows that even Christmas cannot efface? And are those sorrows the secret behind Mia Allonby’s tired sigh, Ashton Melbrook’s stern reserve and Mrs. Cavendish’s sad smile?
Is there any way to reconcile heartache and Christmas? And is there, after all, a special, secret blessing which sorrow can bring to the celebration of One who came to heal the broken-hearted?
SAW Downloads Challenge
In my opinion, the message of Snow-Globe World is a challenge to every reader, all by itself.
For those of you who are participating in the December downloads challenge—it shouldn’t be too hard to find a springboard for a specific act of Christmas kindness this week!
Don’t be afraid of the cost. That’s been one of the biggest lessons I have taken away from Snow-Globe World, personally. Blessings come when you have the courage to reach out—even in brokenness.
Get Your FREE Copy of Snow-Globe World
I absolutely love Snow-Globe World. I can’t wait to have you read it, and love it, too!
To get your FREE copy of this delightful Christmas tale, just click through to the product page below. You will see a “Buy on Amazon” button—and when you click that, you’ll be set to download your FREE copy to the kindle, computer, or mobile device of your choice.
Get your copy of Snow-Globe World by Chelsea Burden
Looking for more Christmas downloads? See our previous post:

Are you missing out on valuable Christmas hymns? How would you even know? This post takes a look at three keys to discovering the Christmas hymns you may be missing.

Adelaide had always believed God’s ways were higher than earthly ways—As the Heavens Are Higher than the earth. She had just always imagined that God’s plan and her plan would have some similarities.

Are you looking for a high school poetry course that will make your student a better person as well as a better poet? What about a course that’s built around classic Christian hymns?
- Adelaide’s Queen Cakes Recipe
- This Child: A FREE Week-Long Sale
I found this book on Goodreads/Amazon and downloaded it this morning. 🙂 I’m very excited to start reading!
Hope you enjoy it, Ellen!!
YAYYYYYY!!! Thank you!! So excited to read it!!
I’m excited to have you read it!! Can’t wait to hear what you think!
Beautiful story! I loved it so much! The message was spot-on. Thank you so much for sharing it!
Oh, I’m so glad! Thanks for telling me!!
I downloaded this this morning and I can’t wait to read it!
Yay! I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you! I’m very much looking forward to reading this story now!
You’re welcome! I hope you like it!