Good x Great: The Ultimate Excellence in Fiction
We’ve talked about good books recently. We’ve talked about great books recently. Today we’re going to take a look at what happens when we combine these two concepts to produce the ultimate excellence in fiction: books that are both good and great.
Good x Great = POWERFUL
Good books that are also great books are almost always, by definition, powerful books. Great writing strengthens the power of spiritually profound concepts. At the same time spiritual concepts increase the depth of skillful writing.
Good and great books are one of the most powerful influences you will ever bring into your own life, or the lives of your children. If you are looking for an investment that will yield tremendous returns, from both a secular and a spiritual standpoint, good and great books are an opportunity you can’t afford to miss!
Good x Great = PASSIONATE
Profoundly written, spiritually challenging literature has a remarkable tendency to attract a reader’s loyalty and ignite a reader’s passion.
This is particularly the case with fiction, but it is a phenomenon that holds true across many genres.
Readers connect with the subject matter of a good and great book in a very special way—a way which allows the core values of the writer to translate almost seamlessly into the passion of the reader. If you want to be part of a generation that is passionate about things that are good and great, what better tool can you find than a good and great book?
Good x Great = PERSEVERING
Timeless literary quality and timeless spiritual value pretty naturally produce timelessly enduring writings.
It is interesting to look back at the great literature of any generation, and compare it to the fashions, the pastimes, the cuisine, even the worldview contemporary with its writer. All of these other elements of culture have faded into museum-quality antiques, while the truly great literature is not only still being used—it is still moulding souls for both the present and the future.
Good and great books stick around. So does their influence. The good and great literature you read today will not only impact who you are today—it will also shape who you become tomorrow.
Good x Great = Excellence in Fiction
Good and great books represent the ultimate excellence in fiction—just as they represent the ultimate excellence in every literary genre.
They bring a powerful, passionate, and persevering influence to bear on the heart and mind of readers everywhere—an influence that can last through eternity.
Are you intrigued by the concept of good and great books, but feeling discouraged about ever finding something that actually measures up?
See last year’s post:

What does the journey to good and great books actually look like? Join us as we take a fast-forward tour of the time, people, and experiences that go into creating a good and great novel.

Is homemaking a call for every woman? Or is it only the responsibility of a few? What does it truly mean to have our hearts at home?

As we look back on an unusually strange summer, SAW Publishing’s 2020 poetry challenge offers an opportunity to capture the lessons you have learned in a poem that is both good and great.
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