As the Heavens Are Higher: Book Release
Well, everybody! The big day is finally here! As the Heavens Are Higher is officially ready for sale!
There have been so many times over the past years when I’ve been tempted to wonder if this day would ever come—and now it’s here. I’m just so excited to be able to share As the Heavens Are Higher with all of you today!
As the Heavens Are Higher
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Is. 55:9
Adelaide Westall had always believed that God’s ways were higher than earthly ways. She had just always imagined that God’s plan and her plan would have some similarities. A family of penniless orphans facing a hopeless future in a factory city—a heartbroken noblewoman shut up inside a forbidding fortress of grief and reserve—and a mysterious painting of a calm-faced pilgrim were all destined to challenge Adelaide’s faith in unexpected ways. Only God could orchestrate a plan high enough to reach them all.
Set amongst the rolling hills of the English border country, this story of Victorian life is a poignant reminder that we serve a God who brings light out of darkness, who works good out of evil, whose ways are higher than our ways—as the heavens are higher than the earth.
A Thank You Note
If this post were a speech—and you were a reporter—we both know this is the heading where you would tune out, check your emails, revise your short-hand notes, take a peek at your day-planner, verify that your flight to Chicago is still on time, run out and grab a coffee . . . strong in the certainty that the speaker is safely occupied thanking his family—and his friends—and his editors—and his typesetters—and his designers—and his pet elephant—and—(wait a minute, was that last one something you wanted for your article?)
Well, the truth of the matter is, I do want to thank my wonderful family, and my encouraging friends, my dedicated copyeditor, Hope Byler, my typesetter, Chad Beery, and my cover designer, Brianna Burden—all of whom have made this book possible! You have put in so many hours of hard work all along the way. Thank you so much!
And (if there’s some of the press gallery who have returned from coffee break by now) I also want to thank YOU, my blog readers. Your enthusiasm has lifted my spirits and brightened my day so many times! I am truly thankful for each of you!
On Sale Now
As the Heavens Are Higher is available in print and Kindle version from Amazon, and as an epub version from Kobo.
Both of the e-versions are currently on sale 20% off.
This is a special release price for this week only. (“Hurry, hurry, hurry! There’s a deadline on this thing!” Okay, you probably get the message—if so, skip to the end of the parenthesis. If you’re curious to see what other obvious facts I can come up with, keep reading. Whispered Secret: Both versions will return to full price on Monday, November 23. After that, the release sale will be over. Shrugs. I said it would be obvious!)
A Final Message
Is the author a little giddy this morning? Well, maybe so—and who wouldn’t be? I’ve waited for this day for a VERY LONG TIME. And it’s finally here!
But I’m something more than giddy, too. I’m thankful. Thankful to all the people I mentioned above. And thankful to the King of kings, for His love and for His care. Thankful that He has given me the opportunity to work for His Kingdom with three of the things I am most passionate about—historical fiction, Victorian England, and a good and great standard for Christian literature.
To order your copy of As the Heavens Are Higher click here.
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Dear Courtenay – the day has finally arrived! How wonderfully exciting!! I can’t wait to read your book – we are all so very proud of you!! Big hugs from all of the Pakulat’s!!
Thank you so much! Hugs to you, too!
Courtenay, I am so happy for you. Can’t wait to read it!
Thank you so much, Becky!!!
Congratulations Courtenay, something to be very happy and proud of.
Thank you so much! I’m really excited about it, too!!!
So very proud of you Courtenay. I have already ordered my copy and am eagerly awaiting it’s arrival.
Aw!!! Thank you so much!!!
CONGRATULATIONS, COUTRTENAY!!! I will get my hands on a copy asap XD XD
Thanks, Katja! Let me know what you think after you read it!
Yay, Courtnay! I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks, Lilly! I’m so excited that you’re excited!