Sheep Among Wolves Publishing

Word of the Week Lesson #2 – Laden

SAW Publishing’s Word of the Week (WOW) program is a vocabulary supplement built around hymns and Bible verses.  Each lesson contains a Webster’s 1828 Dictionary definition, Scripture reference, and examples that encourage students to use new vocabulary in daily life.  To find out more about the program, see our post entitled Boost Your Student’s Vocabulary with our FREE Word of the Week. To receive the FREE Word Of The Week lesson the Monday before it is posted, sign up for the WOW email below.

The Word Of The Week Lesson #2 takes a look at Matthew 11:28 as we explore the meaning of the word LADEN.

Word of the Week Lesson #2

**Click here for a downloadable PDF of the full lesson.


Short Definition

Abridged from Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

LAD’EN, participle passive

loaded; burdened

Webster’s 1828 Full Definition

Note: The word Laden is not a separate entry in Webster’s 1828 dictionary, but is included under the verb Lade.

LADE, verb transitive

preterit tense laded; participle passive laded, laden.

1. To load; to put on or in, as a burden or freight. We lade a ship with cotton. We lade a horse or other beast with corn.

And they laded their [donkeys] with the corn and departed thence. Genesis 42:26.

2. To dip; to throw in or out, as a fluid, with a ladle or dipper; as, to lade water out of a tub or into a cistern.

3. To draw water. [Not in use.]

All definitions are taken from the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary from Volume 1 and Volume 2 and can also be found on Webster’s 1828 Dictionary online.

Memory Verse

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28 (KJV)


“Are we weak and heavy laden,

Cumbered with a load of care?

Precious Savior, still our refuge,

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Do your friends despise, forsake you?

Take it to the Lord in prayer!

In His arms He’ll take and shield you;

You will find a solace there.”

– Joseph M. Scriven (1819–1886), What A Friend We Have In Jesus

All hymn texts are taken from Cyber Hymnal

Examples From Daily Life

“Oh, Philip,” Robyn laughed, “you look so funny stumbling along, laden with all our supplies!”

“I only hope we haven’t over laden the canoe,” said Philip, surveying the pile of knapsacks ruefully.  “I’m afraid we’ve packed a lot of things that we’ll only need in an emergency.”

“It’s better to take an extra knapsack or two, even if we don’t use them,” Mr. Gravesend replied.  “That way we’re free to enjoy the trip, without having our minds laden with the fear that we’ve left something important behind.”

Printable Image With Short Definition and Memory Verse

The Word Of The Week Lesson #2 takes a look at Matthew 11:28 as we explore the meaning of the word LADEN.

Bonus Question

The Gravesends packed a lot of cooking utensils when they went camping!  One of these utensils comes from the same root as our Word Of The Week—laden.  Can you guess what it might be?  The answer will appear at the bottom of next week’s WOW lesson. The word will also be used in next week’s Examples From Daily Life, so keep your eyes open!

Answer To Last Week’s Bonus Question

Mr. Gravesend started the fire with kindling.

How To Sign Up

Each week’s WOW lesson will be available on the Sheep Among Wolves blog on Friday morning.

If you would prefer to receive the lessons by email, you can sign up below to have each new lesson delivered on the Monday before it’s posted.  This gives you time to print out the sheet, and have it ready for the next week, as well as making sure you don’t miss any posts.  Email signup will include a high resolution copy of the image for those who wish to print it out in poster form.  Concerned that you have missed the start of our program?  Don’t worry, all emails contain links to previous lessons.  No matter when you sign up, you will receive access to all lessons from the Word of the Week program.

For more information on the WOW program see our introductory post:

Are you looking for a fun and easy way to stimulate your child’s vocabulary? Our FREE Word of the Week (WOW) program is the perfect answer.

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This post may have been shared with the following linkups: The Art of Homemaking Mondays, Monday’s Musings, The Modest Mom, Titus 2 Tuesday, Tuesdays With A Twist, Homemaking Wednesdays, Wise Woman Linkup, Coffee and Conversation.

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