Through the Veil—Book Release!
I’m probably not the only person looking back over the past year and thinking, “Wow! We’ve come a long way this year!”
Okay, maybe I AM the only person who does that at the beginning of December instead of the end. Actually, I do it at the end too! I guess I just like reminding myself how far we’ve come.
But maybe the biggest reason why I’m looking back over this past year is that we’re three days away from the first anniversary of my first published work! That’s right, it’s been almost one year since I published Snow-Globe World!
I was scrolling down my author page on Goodreads recently, and I have to admit there’s a certain feeling of pride and wonder in seeing seven titles processing down the page after my name. One novel, two novellas, two short stories, two anthologies I had the privilege to be a part of. Seven titles in one short year. I don’t say this boastfully, but rather with an overwhelming sense of awe at what God has done. It sure wasn’t me that published seven titles this past year—not me on my own, anyway. Isn’t He amazing?
Today, I want to introduce to you the seventh title God has blessed me with this year—the sequel to Snow-Globe World.
Through The Veil (Snow-Globe World #2)
“It’s Christmas!” Mia murmured softly. “Christmas again!”
Another season of snowflakes has fallen over the peaceful snow-globe world, gently carpeting the sorrows and heartaches of another year of struggles and victories—like a thin, delicate veil over all the land. The church-bells still chime, and bright-faced people still gather around cozy fireplaces—like a picture-postcard of Christmas joy and peace.
Yet somehow, questions still remain. Mia Allonby now knows the secret of reconciling sorrow and Christmas—so do Ashton Melbrook and Grandmother Cavendish. But is that secret enough to answer other haunting problems that mingle thickly with the falling flakes?
Does the trouble ever end? Is there a season when snowflakes cease to fall on broken hearts, and when earth and heaven mingle in a joy almost too perfect for this fallen world? Is there a way—after all—to see through the veil that separates this world from the next?
A Story Without a Story
I really wanted to write a sequel to Snow-Globe World. I’ve wanted to pretty much since I published it. I wanted to find out whether Ashton’s struggle with his mother and sister-in-law ever got better—whether Tom Cavendish returned to his mother, and what happened to Mia in the years and months ahead. Thoughts whispered in my ear and I wanted to tell them to the world.
But I wasn’t exactly sure what to write about. You see—a story isn’t just what “happens”, it’s what those happenings mean—where they point and what truths and lessons are learned along the way. Not only does a story need “things that happens”, it needs a theme. And I just didn’t have one.
It wasn’t until this past October that I suddenly thought of a theme that would weave together all the loose ends I wanted to explore, and serve as the fitting sequel to a story that is, after all, very near my own heart of last Christmas.
And so, I sat down and wrote Through the Veil . . .
Snow-Globe World—for FREE?!
In addition to releasing Through the Veil today, I have another exciting announcement! In connection with Twenty-Four Books Before Christmas, hosted by Rebekah Morris at Read Another Page, Snow-Globe World (the prequel to Through the Veil) is free just for today! To check out Rebekah’s spotlight, as well as to find links for getting your free copy of Snow-Globe World, click here.
And to purchase Through the Veil in kindle version, click here.
As another Christmas season rolls around, and our hearts chime with the church-bells and dance with the falling flakes—as we wrestle, perhaps, with the heartache that twines itself in all the evergreen garlands, and the questions that echo hauntingly on the Christmas breezes—I want us to remember. To remember the Reason for Christmas and the true promise it holds out to us.
Somewhere, down the long avenue of time is a day when for us, as for all the world, the veil shall be drawn back and we shall “know even as we are known.”
Christmas is here to tell us that day is coming.
For more information about Snow-Globe World, see last year’s release post:

Vanessa and Jared didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary that night. Just a cozy evening in their small home—and hopefully a chance to shake off Vanessa’s question-raising dream. This Child by Brianna Burden is a beautiful Christmas story of foster care—and redemption.

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- Perry Kirkpatrick’s Black Friday Sale
- Building a Good and Great Grade: SAW Publishing’s Review System
OHH THIS IS AMAZING! I can’t wait to read it!! Congratulations, Chelsea!! I never even expected this!!
Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!!
I need to read “Snow-Globe World” again. This new short story looks great, Chelsea! I can’t wait to read it sometime!
I do love these two stories! 😉 Have fun!
EEEek! So excited! I love the cover of Through the Veil and am looking forward to reading it. 🙂
It is a beautiful cover, isn’t it? Big thanks to my mom on that one!