Sheep Among Wolves Publishing

Perfect Eggs!


Egg Carton Second Try

We have an abundance of eggs right now and I have been seeking easy ways to use them up.  Everyone loves rice pudding made with a creamy custard sauce, and eggs for breakfast are always a staple, but I wanted something that uses a lot of eggs at once and not a lot of work on my part.  Hard boiled eggs make a quick snack and I find that when I leave a container of peeled eggs in the fridge they are more likely to be eaten than those still in the shell.

Over the last few weeks I have been experimenting with the best method of cooking these little gems so that they are easy to peel and don’t taste like a rubber puck.  I always used to follow the cold water method; placing the eggs in the pot, covering with cold water and then bringing up to a boil for 8 minutes.  Fresh eggs do not peel very well using this method and there seemed to be quite a lot of variation in the final product.  Sometimes the yolks were perfect, other times they were encircled by a thin purplish film which did not detract from the taste at all, but dissuaded picky eaters from making use of this quick snack item.  And the whites, I must confess, tended towards the rubber puck side of done.

Egg Being Peeled copy


I then found a method where the eggs started in cold water, were brought to a boil, and immediately removed from the heat. They rested in the hot water for 8 minutes, and then were cooled in cold water until manageable.  Slightly better results.  The cooking was more consistent, but the shells were still hard to remove.

Eggs in Pot

I read somewhere that it is the gradual warming which causes the shell to stick.  The solution?  Bring the water to a boil, add the eggs and follow either method one or two above.  The result?  Cracked eggs and whites that oozed out into the water.

Eggs on Ice

Finally, I found the ideal way to cook eggs.  In fact, I have used a variation on this method for some time to make perfect soft boiled eggs.  Put an inch of water in a pot with a steamer basket or wire rack.  Bring the water to a rolling boil.  Using a pair of tongs, place the eggs in the pot.  Cover and keep the water boiling.  The suggestion was to boil for 11 minutes and then remove the eggs to a bowl of ice water for 15 minutes.  Almost perfect eggs!

Egg Fully Peeled copy

The eggs were very easy to peel.  The white was cooked perfectly; solid, but not rubbery. The yolk, however, was ever so slightly moist.  It still mashed up quite well for egg salad and was pleasant to eat, but next time I will cook for 12 minutes and see if that solves the yolk issue.

Eggs Peeled in Bowl copy

For those of you who are wondering, the soft boiled version requires only 6 minutes in the pot and 30 seconds in the ice water.  Peel and serve over sautéed spinach for a mouth watering breakfast!