Sheep Among Wolves Publishing

FREE Today: How Rufus Became a Pet

Have you ever wondered how Rufus from As the Heavens Are Higher became a pet in the first place? Today’s FREE short story just happens to contain the answer!It’s the first of September—let’s bring out the fall vibes!

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a big fall fan. In fact, I’m a big back-to-school-through-to-Christmas fan. From the time the first leaves start going red (which was actually the middle of August for us northern dwellers this year) right through till someone unwillingly drags away the Christmas decorations (okay, so I mean the end of January—who’s really counting anyway?) anyway, all through that cool-getting-colder stretch, I am a happy camper.

Figuratively, of course. I’m not really a fan of literal camping at any time.

Anyway—in case you’d like a little splash of flash fiction to get you into the autumn mood, I’m excited to introduce How Rufus Became a Pet.

Technically speaking, there’s no internal evidence to suggest it’s a fall story (although a quick google search informs me that second litter squirrel kits are born between July and August, and typically stay with their mothers for about 12 weeks—you do the math!)

But regardless of internal evidence, a story that’s got squirrels, nuts, and kids scrambling around outdoors has got the be a fall story. There’s just no two ways about it.

How Rufus Became a Pet

By Courtenay Burden

Have you ever wondered how Rufus from As the Heavens Are Higher became a pet in the first place? Today’s FREE short story just happens to contain the answer!

“Of course, he won’t be easy to get out. But he’s so plump, and he’s so red, and he’s got such marvelous poky ears, that I really should like to take him home to Hubert.”

The only question is—will the excitable young squirrel feel the same way?

An upside-down wheelbarrow, a thatched roof, and a bag of peanuts are all destined to be part of the answer.

Set during the backstory of As the Heavens Are Higher, this flash fiction prequel gives an entertaining glimpse of the adventure that brought Richard, Mary and Rufus together—long before their opening appearance on the Chathill Station platform.

If you already know and love the characters from the full-length novel, you’ll be delighted with this behind-the-scenes peek at an earlier chapter of their lives. If this is your first introduction to the cast, How Rufus Became a Pet is also a self-contained standalone—although it just might pique your interest enough to put As the Heavens Are Higher on your TBR.

How Rufus Became a Story

I know I’ve shared this before, but Rufus wasn’t actually part of As the Heavens Are Higher’s first draft. Hard to imagine, because he’s a key plot driver at multiple places in the final version.

(What can I say? Plot wasn’t the strong point of draft one!)

When I decided I wanted to add some kind of pet to the story, I knew I wanted to choose something that was significant to the Northumberland setting and could maybe provide a spotlight on an endangered/lesser-known animal.

Red squirrels are a protected species in Northumberland—besides being incredibly cute and having adorable, pointed ears. They also seemed easier to work into an already-crafted story than a great crested newt or a water vole (also from the protected list!)

If you’re curious what other creatures could have been in the running, check out the longer list right here.

How Rufus Became a Pet was first written, more for myself than anything, to try out a short story outline structure I was working on six or eight years ago. But why leave a part of Rufus’s story out in the cold, when it could just as easily be published?

Grab Your FREE Copy Today!

As always, we’re launching the most recent edition of Sheep Among Wolves Short Stories absolutely free for the first three days.

You can grab it from Amazon right here:

If you don’t already own As the Heavens Are Higher, this is also your chance to nab it at a discount—20% off over the next three days so you can keep reading Rufus’s story right away.

How Rufus Became a Pet is just the beginning of the fall themed fun at SAW Publishing. We’re excited to be participating in the Five Fall Favorites blog party, running September 23-28. Stay tuned for more details on the FFF week of book recs, free stories, giveaway, and more!

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