Sheep Among Wolves Publishing

Yes! God Still Speaks Today—Book Review

Have you ever wondered if God still speaks today? And if He does, if He speaks to weak, struggling people like you and me? Yes! God Still Speaks Today is a powerful account that highlights God’s hand in the ordinary and small as well as the extraordinary and big events of our lives.Have you ever wondered if God still speaks today? And if He does, whether He speaks to weak, struggling people like you and me?

When I first read “Yes! God Still Speaks Today” I was struggling with how I would ever know that God was really speaking to me. I believed that He was still speaking in our world . . . but to me? How would I ever be sure?

This book was a huge blessing and encouragement. Packed with accounts of how God spoke into peoples lives—from caring for a widow’s monetary needs, to transforming a North Korean prison guard’s heart—I would recommend this book to any Christian who desires to have their faith strengthened.

This book is written in a tactful and discreet manner. It covers a wide range of stories where God’s hand was visible, and in consequence alludes to some issues that were less then ideal before God intervened. These issues covered in it (and flagged below) are handled very tastefully and appropriately for the book’s age range.

Have you ever wondered if God still speaks today? And if He does, if He speaks to weak, struggling people like you and me? Yes! God Still Speaks Today is a powerful account that highlights God’s hand in the ordinary and small as well as the extraordinary and big events of our lives.Book Details
  1. Title: Yes! God Still Speaks Today
  2. Compiled by: Norma Plank
  3. Publisher: Christian Light
  4. Genre: True stories/inspirational
  5. Number of Pages: 346
  6. Theme: True stories of how God has spoken in the world today.
  7. Age Range: Adult
  8. Source: Christian Light, Amazon


A compilation of true stories of how God has spoken to His people—today in our present time and world. It is broken into seven categories of how God speaks:


Through His Word

Through His People

Though Circumstances

Through Nature

Through A Still Small Voice

Through Strong Promptings

Through Miraculous Ways

It is a powerful account that highlights God’s hand in the ordinary and small, as well as the extraordinary and big events of our lives. Sometimes powerfully arresting our attention by miracles; sometimes speaking through the swoop of an eagle’s wings.

SAW Rating System

We have recently altered our reviewing system using the model of our poetry grading worksheet. For an explanation of the new system, see our introductory post.

Total Score—76/100
Great Qualities—39/50


Coverage of Topic—8/10

Quality of Writing—6/10

Impact of the book—9/10


Good Qualities—37/50

Innocence regarding evil—7/10

Active promotion of good—8/10

Level of spiritual challenge—8/10

Healthy view of life—6/10

Honouring God—8/10

Items of Note
  1. Romance and morality

A woman nearly marries a divorced man, this is not condoned, and that story is about how God gave her victory to overcome instead of yielding to this desire. A woman re-marries after divorce. A man is unfaithful to his wife.

A child was previously sexually abused and requires corrective surgery (details are not given).

  1. Disturbing content

A woman contemplates suicide.

A former North Korean secret agent describes torturing Christians.

Unpleasant injuries from an accident are described, including “pool of blood” and “oozing, gaping wound.” A woman falls and when found is described as a “bloody mess.” After a truck accident, man’s leg is “severely mangled” and amputated.

There is a deadly feud where two families continued murdering each other, the descriptions are not grotesque.

Some children are forcibly taken from mother with a threat to kill the mother if she tried to get them back.

A boy resolves to kill his step-father, but changes his mind after conversion.

  1. Language

People are described as cursing or swearing but words are never included.

  1. Alcohol and drug use (includes tobacco)

Drunken man enters missionary’s house at night. A man gets drunk and beats his wife, after his conversion his wife then beats him, later a woman gets drunk and relates to another man in inacceptable ways. A man suffers physically as a result of his drinking and other bad habits.

  1. Spiritual content

No issues.

  1. Family roles and behavior

A father explodes at his family in anger and is said to have used bad language (the language is omitted in the story).

  1. Mature subject matter

See above.

Additional Notes

The majority of these flags occur in eleven of the eighty stories.

Yes! God Still Speaks Today—to You, and to Me!

Through miracles, through a still small voice, through the people around us, through so many ways—yes, God still speaks! As you read this book you will be encouraged to see God speaking both in the ordinary, and the extraordinary in your life.

Looking for another inspiring book that will strengthen your walk with God? See our review of Daughters of Eve, Daughters of God:

What does the word daughterhood conjure up in your mind? Does it make you tingle all over with delight? Daughters of Eve, Daughters of God is a book that will challenge you to embrace a fuller view of God’s fatherhood—and to embark on a journey of learning what it means to be a daughter of the King.