Sheep Among Wolves Publishing

Word of the Week Lesson #7 – INCREASE

SAW Publishing’s Word of the Week (WOW) program is a vocabulary supplement built around hymns and Bible verses.  Each lesson contains a Webster’s 1828 Dictionary definition, Scripture reference, and examples that encourage students to use new vocabulary in daily life.  To find out more about the program, see our post entitled Boost Your Student’s Vocabulary with our FREE Word of the Week. To receive the FREE Word of the Week lesson the Monday before it is posted, sign up for the WOW email below.

The Word Of The Week lesson #7 takes a look at 1 Thessalonians 3:12–13 as we explore the meaning of the word INCREASE.

Word of the Week Lesson #7

**Click here for a downloadable PDF of the full lesson.


Short Definition

Abridged from Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

INCRE’ASE, verb intransitive

to grow; to become greater

Webster’s 1828 Full Definition

INCRE’ASE, verb intransitive

[Latin incresco; in and cresco, to grow.]

1. To become greater in bulk or quantity; to grow; to augment; as plants. Hence, to become more in number; to advance in value, or in any quality good or bad.

Animal and vegetable bodies increase by natural growth; wealth increases by industry; heat increases, as the sun advances towards the meridian; a multitude increases by accession of numbers; knowledge increases with age and study; passion and enmity increase by irritation, and misery increases with vice.

The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another. 1 Thessalonians 3:12.

2. To become more violent; as, the fever increases; the pain increases; cold, wind or a storm increases.

3. To become more bright or vivid; as, the light increases.

4. To swell; to rise.

The waters increased and bore up the ark. Genesis 7:17.

6. To swell; to become louder, as sound.

7. To become of more esteem and authority.

He must increase but I must decrease. John 3:30.

All definitions are taken from the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary from Volume 1 and Volume 2 and can also be found on Webster’s 1828 Dictionary online.

Memory Verse

“And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you:  To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.”  ~ 1 Thessalonians 3:12–13 (KJV)

Note: The second verse may be omitted to make the passage shorter for younger students.


“O happy is the man who hears
Instruction’s warning voice;
And who celestial wisdom makes
His early, only choice.

For she has treasures greater far
Than east or west unfold;
And her rewards more precious are
Than all their stores of gold.

According as her labors rise,
So her rewards increase;
Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.”

– Michael Bruce (1746–1767), O Happy Is The Man Who Hears (Scottish Paraphrases, 1781)

All hymn texts are taken from Cyber Hymnal

 Examples From Daily Life

“Look at how these oats soak up the water,” said Robyn, as she poured a steaming kettle over the packet of instant oats.  “The more water it absorbs, the more the oatmeal increases!”

“I’ve never cooked instant oatmeal before,” Philip observed, stirring his bowl vigorously.  “I’m glad to increase my experience, because you never know when knowledge will come in handy.  I would never have imagined there was anything to learn about making oatmeal!”

“Experience is a useful thing,” Mr. Gravesend agreed.  “And if we cultivate it in the right way, experience will increase our humility, as well as our knowledge.”

Printable Image with Short Definition and Memory Verse

The Word Of The Week lesson #7 takes a look at 1 Thessalonians 3:12–13 as we explore the meaning of the word INCREASE.

Bonus Activity

Today’s hymn is based on the description of wisdom in Proverbs 3:13-18.  Read this passage and compare it with the hymn above.  Which verses inspired each stanza?  There may be more than one way to divide up the passage, but a sample answer will be given at the bottom of next week’s WOW lesson.

 Sample Answer To Last Week’s Bonus Activity

enough—plenty, ample, sufficient

said—stated, declared

large—huge, massive, gigantic

very—extremely, tremendously, exceedingly

Whether the substitutions improve the story or not will depend on which words are chosen.  If Mr. Gravesend now states that the leather is an “exceedingly gigantic piece,” the reader might feel that the statement is uncharacteristic of a modern adult.  On the other hand, the remark that there is “ample room” to cut out three pairs of moccasins, might add to the flavour of the story.  There is no absolutely right or wrong answer.  The purpose of the activity is to encourage the student to consider which word has the best effect in a given sentence.

How To Sign Up

Each week’s WOW lesson will be available on the Sheep Among Wolves blog on Friday morning.

If you would prefer to receive the lessons by email, you can sign up below to have each new lesson delivered on the Monday before it’s posted.  This gives you time to print out the sheet, and have it ready for the next week, as well as making sure you don’t miss any posts.  Email signup will include a high resolution copy of the image for those who wish to print it out in poster form.  Concerned that you have missed the start of our program?  Don’t worry, all emails contain links to previous lessons.  No matter when you sign up, you will receive access to all lessons from the Word of the Week program.

This post may have been shared with the following linkups: The Art of Homemaking Mondays, Monday’s Musings, The Modest Mom, Homemaking Wednesdays, Wise Woman Linkup.

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